Name of the project and grant agreement: Communication skills for students of vocational schools for medical professions: Design thinking for participatory medicine (DesignCARE); Grant agreement: br. 2021-1-HR01-KA220-VET-000025725
Coordinating institution: University of Split (UNIST)
Project partners: Fabula movens d.o.o., Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen, Colegiul Național "Mihai Eminescu" Petroșani and Medicinska škola Pula
Short summary of the project: DesignCARE will train vocational medical school students from two schools in two EU countries (one secondary and one post-secondary level), in the second year of the project implementation, and engage them in participatory medicine through communication skills and diversity competence skill acquisition.
DesignCARE novel curriculum can be integrated within existing secondary and post-secondary vocational school medical programs with the potential to create new, adaptable and innovative study programs at higher levels, preparing students for their future work environment in healthcare.
Project's objectives: The main objective is to design, pilot, implement and evaluate teaching-learning strategies and resources for the students in secondary and postsecondary medical vocational schools, through the development of specialized education tools, relevant and in line with novel trends in the medical field, that will help them to engage in participatory medicine through communication and diversity competence.
The three specific objectives:
1. The promotion of the development of students’ engagement with participatory medicine through communication skills and in line with responsible research and innovation (RRI) principles, in vocational schools, using inclusive, collaborative design thinking as innovative educational strategy.
2. Enhancing diversity competence in vocational medical education, of both students and teachers.
3. The training of teachers to be able to prepare the students for a work environment in a novel framework in the medical field by teaching and providing guidelines for the acquisition of these skills.
Expected results: The main results of the DesignCARE project are the creation of three project results, increased capacity and competence of the partner institutions to create and implement novel teaching module of participatory medicine through design thinking and responsible research and innovation (RRI) principles, fostering of internationalization at the partner institutions, increased visibility of the partner institutions on the EU level, and the first generation of medical vocational students at the partner institutions trained in participatory medicine and RRI principles. As an important result is also developing two important transversal skills: communication and diversity competence, for both vocational schools teachers and students.
Beside creating DesignCARE program, the goal of the project is also to train the teachers to be able to design the course that encourages skill development, research-based learning, creativity, and cooperation among peers and with their teachers.
We will train the teachers to use inclusive, collaborative design thinking methods as an innovative educational strategy.
Grant: 146 464.00 EUR for 21 months
Financing organism: Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Call: KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Implementation period-duration of the project: 01/02/2022 - 31/10/2023
University of Split
prof. Sandra Kostic, project manager (University of Split School of Medicine)
PR1 entailed the curriculum mapping of knowledge and competencies (skills) introduced, exercised and confirmed through the DesignCARE online course, using Design Thinking (DT) method, and combining communication skills and diversity competence with participatory medicine, ethical and RRI concepts. Target groups are secondary and post-secondary vocational medical schools, with the goal to create a curriculum with high transferability potential.
Focus group with relevant stakeholders was held to inquire their input.
Communication skills, diversity competence, participatory medicine, ethics and RRI and associated learning outcomes were defined consensually by all the project partners once the topics to be covered were determined.
The 5 topics covered in the course are:
- COMMUNICATION with patients and relatives
Within PR2 the online program/module on communication skills and cultural competence in participatory medicine for vocational medical schools was created on
Moodle Mod platform.
Students from Colegiul Mihai Eminescu, Bacău and Medicinska škola Pula enrolled in course. We also added students from Medicinska škola Split!
Students gave their feedback which will helped us with evaluation and further improvement of the DesignCARE course.
Check our
DesignCARE YouTube channel with short videos on the following topics: Participatory medicine, Communication with patients and relatives, Empathy, Diversity, Ethics and RRI.
October 18, 2023
The final Conference for the DesignCARE project is coming soon! Follow us on our
facebook page!
September 14, 2023
We are preparing to pilot the DesignCARE module in Croatia. We hope the students of Medical high school in Pula will enjoy the content and assignements as much as their colleagues from Bacau did!
September 11, 2023
DesignCARE project partners are happy to announce the first Multiplier event to be held in Pula, Croatia, on September 21!
Join us and learn about the project and the results of the first pilot implementation in Romania.
August 1, 2023
Before their summer break, students from Bacau, Romania finished their DesignCARE module. Their impressions were fantastic!
Join us on our
facebook page and see what they did and how the module was implemented.
July 1, 2023
Nursing students in Romania start next week with DesingCARE program! We are ready!
We are enrolling students for the first time in DesignCARE module - start date is July 3rd.
DesignCARE first meeting and training was held in Split, Croatia, in February 2022
DesignCARE second transnational meeting was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in September 2022
DesignCARE third transnational meeting was held in Bacau, Romania, in March 2023
DesignCARE First Multiplier event was held in Pula, Croatia, in September 2023
DesignCARE Final Multiplier event was held in Split, Croatia, in October 2023
Press releases:
Sveučilište u Splitu
Dalmatinski portal
HRT Hrvatski radio
Livno Novine
Dalmatinski portal
TV Nova
Istra In
Sveučilište u Puli
Fabula Movens
Sveučilište u Kopenhagenu
Colegiul Mihai Eminescu, Bacău
Medicinska škola Pula
Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu

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