Poziv doktorandima za upis u SEA-EU doktorsku školu

Poziv doktorandima za upis u SEA-EU doktorsku školu

Rokovi za prijavu: 23.9.21 (za "How to");
7.11.21 (za Paper Writing Academy)
U sklopu SEA-EU alijanse s provedbom započinje SEA-EU združena doktorska škola u koju se mogu uključiti doktorandi sa svih SEA-EU sveučilišta, koji žele steći dodatne transverzalne vještine.

Raspisuje se natječaj za besplatni online upis u sljedeće kolegije partnerskih SEA-EU sveučilišta:

Peer Reviewing: „How to” for Authors and Reviewers
Course Instructor: Dr. Katja Heubel, Research and Technology Center (FTZ; belonging to CAU), Büsum, Germany.
Location: Online, a link will be sent prior to the course.
The course is open for registration by email to: press_seaeu@kms.uni-kiel.de
More information: https://sea-eu.org/peer-reviewing/

Paper Writing Academy
Course instructor: Dr Gunther Tress, Tress Academic, Kiel University, Germany.
Location: online, a link and further instructions will be given prior to the course.
Course: 8 weeks of digital course with 1 live-online Kick-Off and 4 live-online support sessions (2 spots per partner).
The course is open for registration by e-mail to press_seaeu@kms.uni-kiel.de, stating your affiliation (university, department), the year, in which you started your PhD, your current paper project.
More information: https://sea-eu.org/paper-writing-academy/

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