Natječaji u području Zdravlje, demografske promjene i kvaliteta života
Better health and care, economic growth and sustainable health, Digital transformation in Health and Care i Trusted digital solutions and Cybersecurity in Health and Care u području Zdravlja, demografske promjene i kvaliteta života.
Teme natječaja poziva H2020-JTI-IMI2-2018-16-single-stage:
IMI2-2018-16-06: Functional Ethionamide boosters: a novel combination for tuberculosis therapy
IMI2-2018-16-04: Determination of gepotidacin levels in tonsils and prostatic tissue
Teme natječaja poziva H2020-JTI-IMI2-2018-15-two-stage:
IMI2-2018-15-06: Digital endpoints in neurodegenerative and immune-mediated diseases
IMI2-2018-15-02: Blockchain Enabled Healthcare
IMI2-2018-15-01: Integrated research platforms enabling patient-centric drug development
Teme natječaja poziva Better health and care, economic growth and sustainable health:
SC1-BHC-31-2019: Pilot actions to build the foundations of a human cell atlas
SC1-BHC-30-2019: Towards risk-based screening strategies for non-communicable diseases
SC1-BHC-25-2019: Demonstration pilots for implementation of personalised medicine in healthcare
SC1-BHC-22-2019: Mental health in the workplace
SC1-BHC-19-2019: Implementation research for maternal and child health
SC1-BHC-10-2019: Innovation Procurement: Next generation sequencing (NGS) for routine diagnosis
SC1-BHC-07-2019: Regenerative medicine: from new insights to new applications
Teme natječaja poziva Digital transformation in Health and Care:
SC1-DTH-10-2019-2020: Digital health and care services
Teme natječaja poziva Trusted digital solutions and Cybersecurity in Health and Care:
DT-TDS-01-2019: Smart and healthy living at home
Izvor: EU
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