Training opportunities at EMBL
Update on upcoming and open calls
EMBL International Ph.D. Programme
EMBL’s International PhD programme is open to applicants of all nationalities. The PhD Programme provides comprehensive training that promotes scientific excellence, independence and creativity. EMBL maintains a careful balance between theory and practice, between close mentoring and creative freedom, between collaborative teamwork and independence. EMBL International PhD Programme offers a competitive academic environment and 3.5 years of secured funding with the possibility of a half-year extension as well as career development, training, mentoring opportunities. Open to all nationalities and diverse educational backgrounds.
Applications open in August 2023
An overview of the application process application process is available as well as application webinar Please do not hesitate to contact the EMBL Graduate Office for any further questions at graduate-office@embl.org
Applications open in August 2023
An overview of the application process application process is available as well as application webinar Please do not hesitate to contact the EMBL Graduate Office for any further questions at graduate-office@embl.org
ARISE Programme: call launches 1 July 2023
Career Accelerator for Research Infrastructure Scientists (ARISE) offers fellowships for experienced professionals with a background in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) who wish to advance technology development in the life sciences and receive training to operate life science research infrastructures. ARISE is the first fellowship programme of its kind, training technology developers to become highly educated research infrastructure scientists.
Apply by: 30 September 2023
More information about the application process are available here. For additional enquiries: contact
Apply by: 30 September 2023
More information about the application process are available here. For additional enquiries: contact
EMBL Sabbatical Visitor Fellowships
The goal of EMBL Sabbaticals is to promote high level synergistic visits of scientific exchange between EMBL and external experts, the Scientific Visitor Programme Office (SVP) of the EMBL is calling for applications from eligible external scientists in close collaboration with an EMBL hosting team/group leader to fund a sabbatical visit, based at one of EMBL’s six sites. The sabbatical visit should last between three to six months, and can involve multiple EMBL hosting groups (with one mandatory primary host). The EMBL sabbatical visitor fellowships carry a maximum award of 15.000 EUR provided through EMBL's Scientific Visitor Programme (SVP) based on their home country, length of stay and quality of application.
Apply by: 25 June 2023
The application form for EMBL Sabbatical Visitor Fellowships is available here. For further details on the fellowships, guidelines, important dates and application procedure, please visit the dedicated website for the sabbatical visitor fellowships.
Apply by: 25 June 2023
The application form for EMBL Sabbatical Visitor Fellowships is available here. For further details on the fellowships, guidelines, important dates and application procedure, please visit the dedicated website for the sabbatical visitor fellowships.
EIPOD-Linc: call open in August 2023
EIPOD-LinC is a Postdoctoral fellowship programme supporting promising researchers from around the world who are passionate about interdisciplinary research. The programme is designed to support the increasing diversity of career paths in Europe’s research landscape providing researchers with the mentoring, training and career development support needed to become leaders in academia, industry and beyond.
The programme is embedded in EMBL’s unique interdisciplinary and collaborative research environment. Candidates work on self-designed interdisciplinary research projects in the context of EMBL’s research programme: Molecules to Ecosystems. All projects require an EMBL Host and a partner. Partners may come from EMBL or from an academic institute, industry or clinic located in an EMBL Member State, Associate Member State or Prospect Member State.
The EIPOD-LinC programme has one annual call for applications per year.
More information and the dates for the 2023 EIPOD-LinC call will be available here in August 2023.
To learn more about the Programme, a recording of an information webinar is available here.
The programme is embedded in EMBL’s unique interdisciplinary and collaborative research environment. Candidates work on self-designed interdisciplinary research projects in the context of EMBL’s research programme: Molecules to Ecosystems. All projects require an EMBL Host and a partner. Partners may come from EMBL or from an academic institute, industry or clinic located in an EMBL Member State, Associate Member State or Prospect Member State.
The EIPOD-LinC programme has one annual call for applications per year.
More information and the dates for the 2023 EIPOD-LinC call will be available here in August 2023.
To learn more about the Programme, a recording of an information webinar is available here.
EMBL Courses and Conferences
Many of EMBL Courses and Conferences are currently taking place online and are therefore widely available. Access modalities and eligibility might differ. The complete calendar of events is available online.
EMBL 2023 Courses and Conferences calendar available (PDF) here
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EMBL 2023 Courses and Conferences calendar available (PDF) here