Webinar: “Foodborne pathogens: history and transmission”
SEA-EU aliance, 4/4/2022, 11:00 am
Who can join: Students, teachers, scientists from SEA-EU universities who are interested in the topic
Date and time: 4 April 2022, 11:00 am, via MSTeams
Registration deadline: 28 March 2022 via link
Detailed information in the Alfresco via link

Izvor:SEA-EU Ispiši stranicu
WEBINAR “FOODBORNE PATHOGENS: HISTORY AND TRANSMISSION” - The meeting is organized by Dr Amandine Hauer from the Laboratory of Experimental and Translational Immunology at Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk.
Who can join: Students, teachers, scientists from SEA-EU universities who are interested in the topic
Date and time: 4 April 2022, 11:00 am, via MSTeams
Registration deadline: 28 March 2022 via link
Detailed information in the Alfresco via link

Izvor:SEA-EU Ispiši stranicu