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DesignCARE tim je imao svoj prvi sastanak i trening
Prošli tjedan DesignCARE tim je imao svoj prvi sastanak i trening!

DesignCARE je Erasmus+ projekt - Communication skills for students of vocational schools for medical professions: Design thinking for participatory medicine.
Tim je raspravljao i definirao ishode za dizajn kurikuluma i implementaciju online modula “Vještine komunikacije i kompetencije različitosti u participativnoj medicini”, a održan je i trening o Design Thinking metodi za dizajn kurikuluma, kompetenciji različitosti, medicinskoj etici i RRI.

Projekt će trajati 21 mjesec, pod vodstvom naše prof. Sandre Kostić. Koordinator je UNIST, a partneri su Fabula movens d.o.o., Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen, Colegiul Național "Mihai Eminescu" Petroșani i Medicinska škola Pula.

Sretno DesignCARE timu!


Last week the DesignCARE team had their first meeting and training! DesignCARE is Erasmus+ project - Communication skills for students of vocational schools for medical professions: Design thinking for participatory medicine.

During the week, the team was discussing and defining the outcomes for the curriculum design and implementation of the “Communication skills and Diversity competence in Participatory medicine” online course, and had training on design thinking for curriculum design, diversity competence, medical ethics and RRI.

The project will last for 21 months. The coordinator is our prof. Sandra Kostic from University of Split and USSM, and the partners are Fabula movens d.o.o., Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen, Colegiul Național "Mihai Eminescu" Petroșani and Medicinska škola Pula.

Good luck to the DesignCARE team!

More about the project on webpage

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