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Prof. dr. Erwin Neher, Fabrizio Benedetti, MD i prof. dr. sc. Zvezdan Pirtošek@MEFST

Prof. dr. Erwin Neher, Fabrizio Benedetti, MD i prof. dr. sc. Zvezdan Pirtošek@MEFST
Kako predstaviti Erwina Nehera, dobitnika Nobelove nagrade za otkrića o radu ionskih kanala? Na predavanju ovog renomiranog znanstvenika saznajte detalje njegovog puta do Nobelove nagrade, kako ionski kanali funkcioniraju i zašto su važni za život svake stanice. Vidimo se 6.travnja 2018. u 16h! 

How to represent prof. Erwin Neher, Nobel-prize-awarded scientist for discoveries concerning the function of a single ion channel. In this lecture he will talk about how he won the Nobel Prize, as well as how the ion channel functions and why it is vital for the cell itself. See you in amphitheater of School of Medicine, April 6th 2018 at 4 p.m.!
Svjedoci smo užurbanog razvoja novih tehnologija, no može li naći mozak ići u korak s tim naglim promjenama. Odgovore na sva pitanja o ovoj zanimljivoj temi najbolje vam može dati prof. Zvezdan Pirtošek sa Sveučilišta u Ljubljani!

With modern technologies emerging almost every day, does our brain stay the same or does it adapt to the changes? Prof. Zvezdan Pirtošek from University of Ljubljana will give you the latest information and answer all of your questions about this interesting topic!
Prof. Fabrizio Benedetti vodeći je svjetski znanstvenik u području placebo i nocebo efekta. Saznajte kakva otkrića su donijela njegova istraživanja! Vidimo se 5.travnja 2018. u amfiteatru Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu u 20h! 

Prof. Fabrizio Benedetti is one of the world’s leading scientists regarding placebo and nocebo effect. Find out more about his latest researches and discoveries! See you April 5th 2018 in amphitheater of School of Medicine at 8 p.m.!  Ispiši stranicu