Društvene igre u Studentskom klubu - C zgrada našeg Fakulteta
Još prošli tjedan službeno je otvoren Studentski klub u C zgradi našeg fakulteta, u sklopu kojeg imamo priliku zaigrati razne društvene igre, a i sjesti i pročitati kakav znanstveni časopis.
Ovo je samo prvi od niza događaja koje planiramo organizirati u novom Klubu.
Na raspolaganju imamo nekoliko društvenih igara: Alias, Camel Up, Codenames, Pandemic, Avalon, Ultimate Werewolf, Werewords, Story Cubes. Slobodno donesite i neke svoje!
Igra vam se neka od ovih igara? Nemate je kod kuće? Nedostaje vam igrač? Dođite u srijedu u 16.30h i zabavimo se svi zajedno!
Molimo samo za neobaveznu i neobvezujuću prijavu preko ovog linka čisto da znamo koliko ljudi da očekujemo:
Last week, the Student club was established in building C of our faculty. There you can play various board games and/or read a science magazine.
This is only the first of many events we plan to organize in the new Club.
There are many board games available: Alias, Camel Up, Codenames, Pandemic, Avalon, Ultimate Werewolf, Werewords, Story Cubes. Feel free to bring one of yours!
You would like to play one of these games? You don't have it at home? Not enough friends/players? Come to the Club on Wednesday at 16.30h and let's all have some fun together!
Also, please fill in this non-obligatory, non-binding form so we know how many people to expect:
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