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COST- projekt PEERE (New Frontiers of Peer Review) 15.-17. svibnja 2108. @MEFST

COST- projekt PEERE (New Frontiers of Peer Review) 15.-17. svibnja 2108. @MEFST
COST- projekt PEERE (New Frontiers of Peer Review), uz potporu Europske udruge znanstvenih urednika (EASE) organizirao je školu recenzijskog postupka za doktorske i postdoktorske istraživače, znanstvenike, urednike časopisa i druge profesinalce koji žele povećati svoje znanje o recenzijskom postupku i naučiti o dobroj praksi u upravljanju postupkom recenzije u znanosti.

The TD1306 PEERE (New Frontiers of Peer Review), with the support of EASE (European Association of Scientific Editors) organised a training school on peer review open to doctoral and postdoctoral students, researchers, journal editors and other professionals who want to improve their knowledge on peer review and learn about the best practices in the management of the peer review process.

Prof. Ana Marusic, MD, PhD
Chair, Department of Research in Biomedicine and Health
Co-Chair, Cochrane Scientific Committee
EQUATOR Network Steering Group
Editor in Chief, Journal of Global Health
President, European Association of Science Editors (EASE)
University of Split School of Medicine
Soltanska 2
21000 Split, Croatia

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