Laboratorijske zivotinje

Laboratory Animal Science TRIBE course 
Course Directors:
Damir Sapunar, MD, PhD
Livia Puljak, MD, PhD
About the course
Appropriate training in animal biology, experimental techniques and other relevant topics is a prerequisite for responsible conduct with animals in research. Professionals involved in animal related research should be trained in accordance with the Regulations on Protection of animals used in experiments or other scientific purposes (Croatian Official Gazette 47/2011). In Europe, the standard for such training is set by FELASA (Federation for European Laboratory Animal Science Associations). To be considered competent to work with animals, a scientist should have a degree in a life sciences discipline and have participated in a basic course in Laboratory Animal Science.
This course proposal follows the recommendations of FELASA for laboratory animal science training for scientists (Category C) and ILAR (Institute for Laboratory animal Research). The course combines theory (lectures and seminars), self-study, demonstrations and practical work and individual group assignments.
The reason for starting this course is lack of appropriate course at University of Split Medical School. The number of young researchers lacking this type of education at the University justifies organization of the course. Offsite education would cost too much and it is not financially feasible. The course is organized as a part of the postgraduate doctoral program "Translational Research in Biomedicine" providing our students comprehensive training that enables them to perform independent research. Attending this course is a first step to meet the challenge of doing good research with animals in a responsible way. In addition, through this course we will provide continuous education for all researches and personnel performing research that involves experimental animals.
This course will provide the necessary training to obtain a permit to work with animals in Croatia and most of the European countries. The course is organized over two consecutive weeks. The first part (first week) of the course consists of direct teaching (lectures and seminars), practical work and demonstrations. The second part (second week) is organized off-site through web based material (self-study and individual assignments).
1st  week  
Lectures 28 hours
Seminars 8 hours
Practical work 10 hours
Demonstrations 12 hours
Exam 2 h
2nd week  
Off-site learning 20 hours
Total: 80
The final accreditation is awarded following successful completion of written exam (50 multiple choice question test), practical exam, online assignments, and assigned individual tasks.
Quality assurance
After completion of the course all participants will fill online survey. The results of the course will be part of the final report of the course directors.
Course syllabus
DAY 1 - MODULE 1 - The animal welfare 
Tutors: Natalija Filipović, Roel Bruggink
Lecture and seminar topics (8:00 – 12:55; 6h total; lectures 4h, seminars 2h): 
Ethics and Animal Use, The three Rs—Replacement, Refinement, and Reduction, Regulations, Policies, and Principles, Professional Societies and Advocacy Groups (FELASA, ILAR), Animal Rights Movement (Prijatelji životinjaPETA)
DAY 1 - MODULE 2 - Comparative biology of laboratory animals 
Tutors: Natalija Filipović, Ivona Mladineo, Adriana Banožić, Moises Mallo
Demonstrations: (13:50 – 15:25; 2 hours)
Rodents' behavior
Lecture and seminar topics (15:30 – 18:45; lectures 4h): 
Comparative anatomy and physiology of laboratory animals, Comparative psychology and ethology, Aquatic experimental animals
DAY 2 - MODULE 3 - Husbandry of laboratory animals
Tutors: Natalija Filipović, Tomislav Mašek, Jagoda Dujić, Graham Tobin, T. Neil Dear
Lecture and seminar topics (8 – 12:55; 6h total; lectures 4h, seminars 2h): 
Organization of the animal facility, Animal care and housing, Breeding of laboratory animals, Laboratory animal nutrition, Housing of other animals,
Demonstrations (13:50 – 15:25; 2 hours)
Visit to the University of Split Animal Facility
Lecture and seminar topics (15:30 – 18:45; lectures 4h):
Rodent animal facility (general considerations, location, construction guidelines, functional areas, environment control, temperature and humidity, ventilation and air quality, illumination, noise and vibration, environmental enrichment, special facilities, barrier facilities, security and access control)
DAY 3 - MODULE 4 - Veterinary care 
Tutors: Natalija Filipović, liječnik Nastavnog zavoda za javno zdravstvo SDŽ, Martin Ringwald, Vedran Micek
Lecture and seminar topics (8 – 12:55; 6h total; lectures 4h, seminars 2h): 
Animal Procurement and Transportation, Preventive Medicine, Animal Biosecurity, Quarantine and Stabilization, Separation by Health Status and Species, Surveillance, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Control of Disease, Clinical Care and Management, Medical Management, Emergency Care, Recordkeeping.
DAY 3 - MODULE 5 – Good laboratory practice and experimental animals
Tutors: Natalija Filipović, Damir Sapunar, liječnik Nastavnog zavoda za javno zdravstvo SDŽ, Stephen Hillen, Graham Tobin, Sherly Wildt
Lecture and seminar topics (13:50 – 18:45; 6h total; lectures 4h, seminars 2h): 
Organization of the laboratory, Quality control, GLP – Good Laboratory Practice, Keeping the data records, Laboratory Notebook, General, Biological and Chemical Safety
DAY 4 - MODULE 6 - Experimental procedures with laboratory animals 
Tutors: Ana Marušić, Ozren Polašek, Damir Sapunar, Natalija Filipović, Emanuele Cesana
Lectures and seminar topics (8 – 12:55; 6h total; lectures 4h, seminars 2h)
Design and conduct of animal experiments, How to reduce the number of used experimental animals?, Alternatives to animal use, Pain and Distress, Anesthesia and analgesia in rodents, Introduction to the most common laboratory procedures, Surgical procedures in rodents, Training, Aseptic Technique, Intraoperative Monitoring, Postoperative Care, Euthanasia, Experimental procedures in other experimental animals.
DAY 4 - MODULE 7 – Demonstrations 
Tutors: Natalija Filipović, Sandra Kostić, Adriana Banožić, Damir Sapunar
Demonstrations (13:50 – 18:45; 6 h)
Handling, Sampling, Administration, Anesthesia, Surgery, Disease models.
DAY 5 - MODULE 6 - Practical work
Tutors: Natalija Filipović, Sandra Kostić, Adriana Banožić, Damir Sapunar
Practical work (8 – 12:55 and 13:50 – 18:45; 12 h)
Handling, Sampling, Administration, Anesthesia, Surgery, Disease models.
Online course and individual assignments (20h)
Video presentations
Textbooks and resources:
Handouts prepared for all lectures
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (

Znanost o laboratorijskim životinjama
Tečaj studija Translacijska istraživanja u biomedicini (TRIBE)

VAŽNO: Održavanje sljedećeg tečaja planirano je početkom 2021.
Stari tečajevi: obavijest
Podatci za uplatu kotizacije

Opći podatci o tečaju
Primjerena izobrazba o biologiji laboratorijskih životinja, pokusnim metodama i drugih relevantnim temama nužna je za odgovorno ponašanje prema životinjama u istraživanjima. Osobe uključene u istraživanja koja uključuju pokusne životinje trebaju se osposobljavati sukladno važećim zakonima i pravilnicima (Narodne novine 135/2006, 47/2011, 37/2013 i 55/2013). U Europi standard takve obuke propisuje Europska federacija za znanost o laboratorijskim životinjama (engl. Federation for European Laboratory Animal Science Associations – FELASA). Da bi se smatrao kompetentnim za rad sa životinjama, znanstvenik treba imati obrazovanje iz područja prirodnih ili biomedicinskih znanosti te imati položen osnovni tečaj iz znanosti o pokusnim životinjama (kategorija C sukladno FELASI)
Ovaj prijedlog tečaja slijedi preporuke FELASA-e za izobrazbu znanstvenika o znanosti o pokusnim životinjama, kao i preporuke Instituta za istraživanja na pokusnim životinjama (Institute for Laboratory Animal Research – ILAR). Tečaj kombinira teoriju (predavanja i seminare), samostalno učenje, demonstracije, praktični rad i rad u skupini.
Tečaj je namijenjen osposobljavanju osoba koje provode pokuse sa životinjama (FELASA kategorija B) i osoba odgovornim za planiranje pokusa sa životinjama (FELASA kategorija C).
Navedena razina osposobljenosti sukladno Pravilniku o zaštiti životinja koje se koriste u znanstvene svrhe odgovara osobama osposobljenim za provođenje pokusa na životinjama i osobama koje sudjeluju u oblikovanju pokusa i projekata.
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