ERNESTO (Edukacijska razmjena i naobrazba ekipa studenata u općinama) je sekcija osnovana na Medicinskom fakultetu u Splitu 2021. godine.
Osnovani smo sa ciljem upoznavanja studenata sa zadatcima u ruralnim područjima, pri tom pripremajući ih na rad poslije fakulteta, kroz slanje na razmjene u ruralna područja Republike Hrvatske gdje zajedno s doktorima Obiteljske medicine mogu se upoznavati sa pacijentima I koja su očekivanja doktora koji radi u ruralnom području.
ERNESTO (Educational exchange and learning for teams of students in municipalities) is a section established on the Medical college in Split in 2021.
We were created with the goal of introducing students to the assignments of working in a rural environment, thus preparing them for their professional tasks after college, through a work exchange to the more rural parts of Croatia where together with Primary care physicians they can meet patients and learn what is to be expected from a doctor in a rural area.
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