Izabrane publikacije i doktorski radovi

Izabrane publikacije

Selected publications

  1. Repić T, Madirazza K, Bektur E, Sapunar D. Characterization of dorsal root ganglion neurons cultured on silicon micro-pillar substrates. Sci Rep 2016;23(6):39560.
  2. Maxwell LJ, Wells GA, Simon LS, Conaghan PG, Grosskleg S, Scrivens K, Beaton DE, Bingham CO 3rd, Busse JW, Christensen R, Goel N, Jüni P, Kaiser U, Lyddiatt A, Mease PJ, Ostelo RW, Phillips K, Sapunar D, Singh JA, Strand V, Taylor AM, Terwee CB, Tugwell P. Current State of Reporting Pain Outcomes in Cochrane Reviews of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions and Considerations for an OMERACT Research Agenda. J Rheumatol. October 2015, 42 (10) 1934-1942.
  3. Banozic A, Grkovic I, Puljak L, Sapunar D. Behavioral changes following experimentally induced acute myocardial infarction in rats. Int. Heart J. 2014;55(2):169-77.
  4. Kostic S, Pan B, Guo Y, Yu H, Sapunar D, Kwok WM, Hudmon A, Wu HE, Hogan QH. Regulation of voltage-gated Ca(2+) currents by Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in resting sensory neurons. Mol Cell Neurosci 2014;62:10-8.
  5. Chen Y, Chalmers I; TTi Editorial Alliance. Testing treatments interactive (TTi): helping to equip the public to promote better research for better health care. J Evid Based Med. 2015 May;8(2):98-102.
  6. Fidahić M, Dogan K, Sapunar D, Puljak L. National survey of pain clinics in Croatia: Organization and services. Acta Med Acad. 2015;44(1):18-30.
  7. Boric M, Skopljanac I, Ferhatovic L, Jelicic Kadic A, Banozic A, Puljak L. Reduced epidermal thickness, nerve degeneration and increased pain-related behavior in rats with diabetes type 1 and 2. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy. 2013 Nov; 53:33-40.
  8. Jelicic Kadic A, Boric M, Ferhatovic L, Banozic A, Sapunar D, Puljak L. Intrathecal inhibition of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in diabetic neuropathy adversely affects painrelated behavior. Neuroscience Letters. 2013 Oct 25;554:126-30.
  9. Boric M, Jelicic Kadic A, Ferhatovic L, Sapunar D, Puljak L. Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in dorsal horn neurons in long-term diabetes. NeuroReport. 2013 Dec 4;24(17):992-6.
  10. Triva P, Jukic M, Puljak L. Access to public healthcare services and waiting times for patients with chronic nonmalignant pain: feedback from a tertiary pain clinic. Acta Clinica Croatica. 2013;52(1):79-85.
  11. Filipovic N, Ferhatovic L, Marelja I, Puljak L, Grkovic I. Increased vitamin D receptor expression in dorsal root ganglia neurons of diabetic rats. Neuroscience letters. 2013;549:140-145.
  12. Cosic A, Ferhatovic L, Banozic A, Kraljevic S, Maric A, Sapunar D, Puljak L. Pain catastrophizing changes during menstrual cycle. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 2013;18(6):735-41.
  13. Markotic F, Cerni Obrdalj E, Zalihic A, Pehar R, Hadziosmanovic Z, Pivic G, Durasovic S, Grgic V, Banozic A, Sapunar D, Puljak L. Adherence to pharmacological treatment of chronic nonmalignant pain in individuals aged 65 and older. Pain Medicine. 2013;14(2):247-56.
  14. Ferhatovic L, Banozic A, Kostic S, Sapunar D, Puljak L. Sex differences in pain-related behavior and expression of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in dorsal root ganglia of rats with diabetes type 1 and type 2. Acta Histochemica. 2013;115(5):496-504.
  15. Ferhatovic L, Banozic A, Kostic S, Ticinovic Kurir T, Novak A, Vrdoljak L, Heffer M, Sapunar D, Puljak L. Expression of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and pain-related behavior in rat models of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2013;116(3):712-21.
  16. Kostic S, Puljak L, Sapunar D. Attenuation of pain-related behaviour evoked by carrageenan injection through blockade of neuropeptide Y Y1 andY2 receptors. European Journal of Pain. 2013;17(4):493-504.
  17. Klinar I, Ferhatovic L, Banozic A, Raguz M, Kostic S, Sapunar D, Puljak L. Physicians' attitudes about interprofessional treatment of chronic pain: family physicians are considered the most important collaborators. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2013;27(2):303-10
  18. Jukic M, Kardum G, Sapunar D, Puljak L. Treatment of chronic musculoskeletal back pain in a tertiary pain clinic. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain. 2012;4:277-283
  19. Busic Z, Kostic S, Kosta V, Carija R, Puljak L, Sapunar D. Postlaminectomy stabilization of the spine in a rat model of neuropathic pain reduces pain-related behavior. Spine 2012;37(22):1874-82.
  20. Sapunar D, Banozic A, Kostic S, Puljak L. Dorsal root ganglion - a potential new therapeutic target for neuropathic pain. J Pain Res. 2012;5:31-8.
  21. Kraljevic S, Banozic A, Maric A, Cosic A, Sapunar D, Puljak L. Parents' pain catastrophizing is related to pain catastrophizing of their adult children. Int J Behav Med. 2012 Mar;19(1):115-9.
  22. Fischer G, Kostic S, Nakai H, Park F, Sapunar D, Yu H, Hogan Q. Direct injection into the dorsal root ganglion: Technical, behavioral, and histological observations. J Neurosci Methods. 2011 Jul 15;199(1):43-55.
  23. Puljak L, Sapunar D. Web-Based Elective Courses for Medical Students: An Example in Pain. Pain Med. 2011 Jun;12(6):854-63.
  24. Lovric Kojundzic S, Puljak L, Hogan Q, Sapunar D. Depression of Ca/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in dorsal root ganglion neurons after spinal nerve ligation. J Comp Neurol 2010 Jan 1;518(1):64-74.
  25. Puljak L, Lovric Kojundzic S, Hogan Q, Sapunar D. Lidocaine injection into the rat dorsal root ganglion causes neuroinflammation and pain-related behavior. Anesth Analg.2009 Mar 108;(3):1021-6.
  26. Kosta V, Lovric Kojundzic S, Cambj Sapunar L, Sapunar D. Spine deformity in a rat model of neuropathic pain causes pain-related behavior. Eur J Pain. 2009 Mar:13(3):243-8.
  27. Puljak L, Lovric Kojundzic S, Hogan QH, Sapunar D. Targeted delivery of pharmacological agents into rat dorsal root ganglion. J Neurosci Methods. 2009 Mar 15;177(2):397-402.
  28. Hogan Q, Lirk P, Poroli M, Rigaud M, Fuchs A, Fillip P, Ljubkovic M, Sapunar D. Restoration of calcium influx corrects membrane hyperexcitability in injured rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Anesth Analg. 2008 Sep;107(3):1045-51.
  29. Znaor L, Lovric S, Hogan Q, Sapunar, D. Association of neural inflammation with hyperalgesia following spinal nerve ligation, Croat Med J, 48 (2007) 35-42.
  30. Sapunar D, Ljubković M, Lirk P, McCallum JB, Hogan QH. Distinct membrane effects of spinal nerve ligation on injured and adjacent dorsal root ganglion neurons. Anesthesiology 2005;103:360-76.
  31. Sapunar D, Modric-Jednacak K, Grkovic I, Michalkiewicz M, Hogan Q. Effect of peripheral axotomy on pain-related behavior and dorsal root ganglion neurons excitability in NPY transgenic rats. Brain Res 2005;1063(1):48-58.

Doktorski radovi

Doctoral theses

  • Mladen Lešin - Čimbenici povezani s postoperativnom boli i upotrebom anelgetika u oftalmološkoj kirurgiji / Factors associated with postoperative pain and analgesic consumption in ophthalmic surgery​, Mentor: izv. prof. dr. sc. Livia Puljak
  • Matija Borić - Izražaj kalcij/kalmodulin-ovisne protein kinaze ii (camkii) u putu prijenosa boli od periferije do središnjeg živčanog sustava u modelu šećerne bolesti / Expression of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ii (camkii) in pain transmission pathways from periphery to the central nervous system in a diabetes mellitus model, Mentor: izv. prof. dr. sc. Livia Puljak
  • Antonia Jeličić Kadić - Terapija boli inhibitorima enzima kalcij/kalmodulin-ovisne protein kinaze ii u modelu dijabetičke neuropatije / Pain treatment with calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ii inhibitors in a model of diabetic nephropathy, Mentor: izv. prof. dr. sc. Livia Puljak  
  • Adriana Banožić - Ponašanja povezana s boli nakon eksperimentalno izazvanog  infarkta miokarda u štakora / Pain-related behaviors after experimentally caused myocardial infarction in rat, Mentor: prof. dr. sc. Damir Sapunar 
  • Lejla Ferhatović -  Izražaj kalcij/kalmodulin-ovisne protein kineze ii i ponašanje povezano s boli u štakorskom modelu dijabetesa tip 1 i 2 / Expression of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ii and pain-realated behavior in rat models of type 1 and type 2diabetes mellitus, Mentor: izv. prof. dr. sc. Livia Puljak  
  • Sandra Kostić - Blokiranje y1 i y2 receptora za neuropeptid y ublažava bolno ponašanje u štakorskom modelu neuropatske i upalne boli / Blocking y1 and y2 receptors for neuropeptide y reduces painful behavior in rat model of neuropathic and inflammatory pain, Mentor: prof. dr. sc. Damir Sapunar
  • Željko Bušić - Stabilizacija kralješnice nakon laminektomije u štakorskom modelu neuropatske boli / Postlaminectomy stabilization of the spine in a rat model of neuropathic pain, Mentor: prof. dr. sc. Damir Sapunar
  • Katarina Novak - Odnos raspona vremena od nastanka boli do početka liječenja i bolničke smrtnosti u bolesnika s infarktom miokarda / Relation between time from pain onset to treatment and hospital mortality in patients with myocardial infarction, Mentor: doc. dr. sc. Livia Puljak  
  • Elizabeth Wager - Recenzijski i urednički postupci za poboljšavanje kvalitete prikaza istraživanja“ /„peer review and editorial processes for improving the quality of research reporting / Peer review and editorial processes for improving the quality of research reporting, Mentor: prof. dr. sc. Damir Sapunar  
  • Sanja Lovrić Kojundžić - Uloga protein kinaze ii ovisne o ca++- kalmodulinu u modelu neuropatske boli izazvane podvezivanjem spinalnog živca u štakora / The role of ca++-calmoduline-dependent protein kinase ii in rat model of spinal nerve ligation-induced neuropathic pain, Mentor: prof. dr. sc. Damir Sapunar
  • Livia Puljak - Mehanizmi inzulinske rezistencije u eksperimentalnom modelu masne jetre / Mechanisms of insulin resistance on experimental model of fatty liver​, Mentor: prof. dr. sc. Damir Sapunar
  • Ljubo Znaor - Uloga upale u neuropatskoj boli izazvanoj podvezivanjem spinalnog živca u štakora / The role of inflammation in spinal nerve ligation-induced neuropathic pain in rat​, Mentor: prof. dr. sc. Damir Sapunar

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