ITSHEC projekt


Name of the project and grant agreement:
 Integration of Transversal skills into health and social care, higher education and the curriculum – ITSHEC; Grant agreement: Erasmus+ Agreement No. 2020-1-ES01-KA203-082852

Coordinating institution: Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona, Spain

Project partners: School of Medicine of the University of Split (UNIST), Split, Croatia; Consorcio Mar Parc de Salut de Barcelona, Spain; Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy, Finland, Immersium Studio SL, Spain.

Short summary of the project: This project seeks to prepare health and social care students for the rapidly changing landscape of health and social practice by creating innovative teaching tools and practices.
Transversal skills (TS) are crucial to lifelong learning and essential to promote active and involved European citizenship in civic and social life.
International and national agencies have stated the need to shift the focus towards teaching-learning strategies that work on transversal skills throughout the training journey. This is especially relevant in health and social care, where these skills are usually taken for granted. These competencies are also important in tackling gender inequities in health and social care, ensuring that the HE system does not prolong entrenched gender bias.
The context of this project is the gap identified in the European Higher Education Area: the lack of implementation of teaching-learning strategies for TS for various reason: 1) absence of a framework that defines the gradation of skills development, 2) lack of systematization of teaching-learning strategies that facilitate the acquisition of TS, 3) lecturers’ perceptions of their lack of resources and teaching strategies for working on TS, and 4) lecturers’ difficulties in assessing the development of students’ TS.

Project's objectives: The main objective is to design, pilot, implement and evaluate teaching-learning strategies and resources for undergraduate and postgraduate training. The resources will address
learning outcomes related to critical and creative thinking, interpersonal/socio-emotional and citizen-oriented skills and learning to learn.
The two specific objectives are:
1. To promote the development of TS in health and social care students, using innovative strategies such as virtual reality.
2. To enable lecturers to teach, guide and accompany students’ development of TS.

Expected results: The results expected during the project and on its completion include:
1. Educational materials and resources to foster students’ development of TS, including virtual reality resources.
2. Capacity building of lecturers to implement the educational resources designed in daily teaching.
3. Training and development of students’ TS.
4. Cross-sectoral coordination and participation of all stakeholders in the co-creation process.
5. Internationalization of the participating organizations.
Grant: 389.880,00 EUR for 3 years
Financing organism: Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Call: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices  - Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Implementation period-duration of the project: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2023

Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Mar Carrió Llach; project manager

Coordinator for University of Split:
Dr. Sandra Kostić, University of Split School of Medicine

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