SSSC 2017

2017 Summer School of Scientific Communication: Communicating Science to a Broader Audience
Organized by:
University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia
● University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia
● Translational Research in Biomedicine (
TRIBE) PhD Programme, University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia
Endorsed by the European Association of Science Editors,
26 – 30 June 2017
University of Split School of Medicine, Room B101.
Language of the Summer School: English
ECTS points: 4
Number of participiants: 16-20
There is no registration fee. The participants are expected to cover the cost of travel to and accommodation in Split.
Chairs of the School:
Prof. Ana Marušić, MD, PhD, University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia, ana.marusic(at)
Prof. Ida Raffaelli, PhD, University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia, iraffael(at)
Lecturers/Scientific Committee (in alphabetical order):
Assist Prof. David Butz Pedersen, PhD, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Assist. Prof. Darko Hren, PhD, University of Split School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Split, Croatia
Sabine Kleinert, MD, The Lancet
Academician Prof. Igor Vlahović, PhD, University of Zagreb Faculty of Mining, Geology & Petroleum Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Elizabeth Wager, PhD, Sideview, UK
The Summer School of Scientific Communication is organized by a group of journal editors with experience in teaching in scientific writing. The Summer School is the continuation of international writing workshops organized by the editors of the
Croatian Medical Journal and the editors of other medical journals such as
The Lancet,
BMJ, JAMA and Annals of Internal Medicine.
The Summer School is aims at doctoral students and young postdoctoral fellows from all scientific fields who are preparing their first manuscript or would like to improve their skills in writing and publishing in scientific journals. Participants are required to bring a draft of their manuscripts for the Paper Clinic of the Summer School.
Summer School in Split is unique in its multidisciplinary approach, both in the composition of its teaching team, selection of the participants and the topics of their manuscripts. Previous Summer Schools attracted young researchers from all over Europe and from different research fields, ranging from medicine and biotechnology to law, archaeology, linguistics and art history.
Another unique feature of the Summer School is the focus on practical work with participants’ manuscripts, in which formal lectures are arranged around Paper Clinic, where lecturers work through the manuscript with a small group of participants.
Experience from past Summer Schools:
“A very valuable experience! One of the most useful education courses since the beginning of my PhD study. I would recommend it to all doctoral students as a crucial starting point in their careers.”
“The main benefit of the workshop for me was the new knowledge gained on the publication process. The second great benefit for me were the contacts established with other young scientists from different areas. I have made plans with 4 participants for future collaboration”
"The most valuable aspect of the workshop was hearing other’s researchers experiences in publishing, mentoring work on my manuscript, seeing our mentors’ enthusiasm about research and teaching, informal discussions.“
Application deadline: 1 May 2017
Application procedure
The Summer School can accept only a restricted number of participants because of intensive work in small groups and individual training. The selection will be based on the quality of application and the research field, to ensure full multidisciplinarity of the Summer School.
Preference will be given to doctoral students who have finished at least the first year of their doctoral studies, performed at least a part of their research and have a draft of a manuscript from their research.
Online application system
Instructions for application
Documents needed for application:
- SSSC_Application_Form
- Brief structured curriculum vitae in English (Europass CV)
- Motivation letter for applying to the Summer Schools (in English)
- Information about the applicant’s doctoral programme
- Synopsis of the manuscript that will be brought to the Summer School: up to 5 pages consisting of basic formal parts/chapters of an scientific article such as Introduction, Theory (for the Humanities) and Methods, Results, Discussion (Analysis) and Conclusion. The manuscript should contain up to 5 references.
- Letter of recommendation from the thesis supervisor
The selection results will be published by the end of May 2017, and the final list of participants will be determined by 5 June 2017.
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