Summer school: Communication skills for study of Medicine
Organization of the summer schools within the ESF project Internationalization of all study programs of the University of Split School of Medicine (USSM) provides unique opportunity for expanding and enriching the USSM study programs in English language, increasing the international visibility of the school, enabling students' and teachers' mobility, exercising the well structured organization of the one-week courses integrating the teaching modules composed of brief lectures and more extensive practical/workshops teaching methods in the modern environment education process supported by the e-learning platforms, all of it integrated in the ECTS grading system, and in accordance to the up-to-date scientific knowledge.
BROCHURE - "Summer school: Communication skills for study of Medicine" (pdf)
FLYER - "Summer school: Communication skills for study of Medicine" (pdf)
Venue and Registration
Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda.
Sadržaj publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Sveučilišta u Splitu, Medicinskog fakulteta