Laboratory for Pharmacy
Laboratory for Pharmacy

Dario Leskur, PhD, Assoc. Prof.
The scope of our research group encompasses a broad spectrum of disciplines within the pharmaceutical sciences. Specifically, our research is focused in the fields of clinical pharmacy, pharmacy education, evidence-based pharmacy, dermatocosmetology, analytics, and the medicinal biochemistry. Within the framework of laboratory investigations, we employ the following methodologies: spectrophotometry, spectrofluorimetry, and chromatography. Furthermore, we have devised in vivo models of cutaneous impairment, which serve as foundational instruments for evaluating the efficacy and safety of topical preparations in human subjects.
Innovating quality assessment tools for pharmacy studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Lead partner: University of Sarajevo
Financed by ERASMUS+ K2 CBHE
Duration:: 2020 - 2024
Project partners: University of Split, University of Mostar, University of Tuzla, University of Banja Luka, University of Novi Sad, University of Dublin, University of G. D'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara
Financed by EU social fund
Duration: 2019 - 2022
Istraživanje kliničke djelotvornosti topikalnih pripravaka „Sea Oil“
Funded by Programme for research and technology development and applied innovations in Split-Dalmatia County
Year of funding: 2017
Prof. Darko Modun, PhD, member [CV]
Ana Šešelja Perišin, mag. pharm., PhD, Assoc. Prof., member [CV]
Josipa Bukić, mag. pharm., PhD, Assoc. Prof., member [CV]
Dario Leskur, mag. pharm., PhD, Assoc. Prof., head of lab [CV]
Doris Rušić, mag. pharm., PhD, Assoc. Prof., member [CV]
Ivanka Maleš, mag. pharm., member [CV]
Lovre Zekan, mag. pharm., PhD, Assoc. Prof., member
Connected research group: Fundamental and applied research in pharmacy
Selected publications and doctoral thesis
Područja istraživanja: štitnjača, Hashimotov tiroiditis, hipotireoza, cjelogenomska analiza povezanosti, genetska varijanta, genetska epidemiologija, okolišni čimbenici, protutijela na štitnjaču, protutijela na antigene iz hrane, protutijela na virusne antigene