Research group for etiology generalized destructive periodontal disease
Dental medicine / histology / periodontology
Research group for etiology generalized destructive periodontal disease

Patogeneza upalnih bolesti parodonta
Head of research group:Assistant Prof. Darko Kero
in a field of Dental medicine / histology / periodontology.
Histologic profiling of extracellular matrix components (glycosaminoglycans) in human gingiva samples from patients with periodontitis.
Group members:
1. assist. prof. Darko Kero, DMD,PhD (principal investigator)2. Roko Duplančić, DMD (PhD student)
3. Marija Roguljić, DMD, PhD (spec. Periodontology)
Plans for the future: To finalize the ongoing research. No further plans for research will be considered until the laboratory at the Department of Histology is fully operational.
1. Duplancic R, Roguljic M, Puhar I, Vecek N, Dragun R, Vukojevic K, Saraga-Babic M, Kero D. Syndecans and Enzymes for Heparan Sulfate Biosynthesis and Modification Differentially Correlate With Presence of Inflammatory Infiltrate in Periodontitis. Fphys 2019.
2. Cavar I, Kero D. Correlation of the expression of hyaluronan and CD44 with the presence of gingival inflammatory infiltrate in advanced generalized periodontitis. (paper accepted for publication in ST OPEN)
3. Duplancic R, Kero D. Novel approach for quantification of multiple immunofluorescent signals using histograms and 2D plot profiling of whole-section panoramic images.
Područja istraživanja:Periodontitis, inflammation, extracellular,matrix, glycosaminoglicans,immunofluorescence, quantification
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