Program (Basic Level)
There is a modular teaching system based on ECTS credits and the programme will be fully open for horizontal and vertical mobility in Croatia and Europe.
Summer School on Communication Skills in Medicine - Basic Level (SSCSM-BL)
List of classes:
- Basic Language in Education
- Generic Communication Skills
- Specific Communication Skills in Medicine
Learning outcomes may be seen
Study program may be seen
Summer School on Communication Skills in Medicine - Advanced Level (SSCSM-AL)
- Communication with patients
- Intra- and interpersonal communication (Professionalism and Reflection)
- Communication in health care teams (professional communication)
Learning outcomes Basic level:
- To recognize different levels of study programs;
- To identify different dimensions of cognitive process;
- To interpret different levels of knowledge; to interpret different levels of skills;
- To implement learning outcomes in a specific course;
- To compare different assessment methods according to learning outcomes;
- To clarify differences between competencies and knowledge/skills;
- To implement the principles of doctor-patient interaction in clinical medicine environment;
- To illustrate the scenarios of inter-professional and professional communication;
- To clarify the impact of empathy upon the doctor-patient communication and subsequent patient trust and satisfaction;
- To implement counseling techniques in achieving better intervention outcomes;
Program (Advanced Level)
There is a modular teaching system based on ECTS credits and the programme will be fully open for horizontal and vertical mobility in Croatia and Europe.
Summer School on Communication Skills in Medicine - Basic Level (SSCSM-BL)
List of classes:
- Basic Language in Education
- Generic Communication Skills
- Specific Communication Skills in Medicine
Learning outcomes may be seen
Study program may be seen
Summer School on Communication Skills in Medicine - Advanced Level (SSCSM-AL)
- Communication with patients
- Intra- and interpersonal communication (Professionalism and Reflection)
- Communication in health care teams (professional communication)
Learning outcomes Advanced level:
- To develop and understand language of the patient and to identify different dimensions of communication with patient depending on context of situation;
- To develop patient centered approach and to understand patient choices and rights;
- To identify relevant information for reasoning and decision making, to discuss with patient about active participation of patient in decision-making, and to respect uncertainty within the reasoning and decision-making;
- To develop and improve self-awareness, self-reflection, self-care with others and own communication behavior;
- To understand own emotions and to describe and assess own strategies, weakness, limitations and to assess own wishes, fears, goals, norms and values;
- To interpret consequences of own attitude on work outcome;
- To reflect ethical and intercultural challenges and to discuss approaches and resolutions;
- To apply authority and influence responsibly;
- To analyze and discuss conversational situations with others;
- To understand models of health care professional-patient relationship;
- To address own and other errors appropriately;
- To address and deal with own uncertainty appropriate to own level of education;
- To illustrate communication scenarios in multi-professional team;
- To implement feedback rules and gives feedback to team-members appropriately;
- To contribute to a positive working atmosphere;
- To solve conflicts and to reflect on own roles and responsibilities in the team;
- To understand the principles of team dynamics and to identify own interests and to distinguish team goals;
- To improve formation of opinions n the group and to encourage and reward team members to voice different opinions;
- To maintain clear appropriate record of clinical encounters and plans;
- To present expert knowledge effective;

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda.
Sadržaj publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Sveučilišta u Splitu, Medicinskog fakulteta
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