Giving voice

TRIBE doctoral program project “Giving voice” is aimed at helping Ukrainian authors publish their war-related experiences.
NEW: Giving Voice workshop, Kyiv 25 March 2024.
Read more about the project
Giving Voice publications
Conference presentations of a Giving Voice project
CMJ Homeland War supplements (
Supplement 1,
Supplement 2)
Giving Voice public outreach
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On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine bringing only death and destruction. Each of us, particularly the academic community feels a unique responsibility in this conflict. The experience of the
Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ) editors during and after the 1991-1995 war in Croatia shows how one scientific journal can help in times of war. The CMJ published scientific articles on various aspects of war medicine, documented cases of war crimes and human rights abuses, and by doing so told a story of human resilience, resourcefulness, and ability to resist during Homeland war in Croatia.
The directors of the postgraduate doctoral program Translational Research in Biomedicine together with the editors of
ST OPEN journal want to use that experience and offer their expertise and assistance in writing and publishing war-related research and reports to Ukrainian authors that are currently not in a position to devote their time to publishing or to those that lack experience in publishing. We are planning to achieve that by reaching out to Ukrainian authors, connecting them with our team of experts, and publishing their experiences in the
ST-OPEN supplement devoted to War in Ukraine. Because
ST OPEN is an interdisciplinary journal we seek contributions from various scientific fields. Besides articles on war medicine, war crimes, and human rights breaches we are looking for articles on the economic consequences of war, changes, and adaptations of educational processes, destruction of cultural heritage, social consequences, and many others but above all we want to give voice to those whose voices are often not heard loud enough, those that do not belong to academic elites; students, refugees, unprivileged groups, and others whose lives were disrupted by war.
To achieve this goal, we are looking for collaborators who will help us in making a network of experts who will establish contact with the Ukrainian academic community. Through that network, we will get in touch with Ukrainian authors, select interesting topics for publications, review their data, connect them with our team of experts, and publish their experiences in a supplement devoted to the War in Ukraine. Our help will include help in translation to English language, statistical editing, writing, language editing, and everything necessary for making obtained data publishable.
Professor Damir Sapunar
Program director Postgraduate program TRIBE
University of Split School of Medicine
Phone: +385 91 785 8231
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