Decision about on-line teaching

Decision about on-line teaching
Class: 003-05120-03/0001
Reg. No.: 2181-198-01-08-20-0040
Split, 13 March 2020
Pursuant to the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia on the suspension of teaching in institutions of higher education, secondary schools and elementary schools, and regular work in institutions of pre-school education, as well as the decision on organizing distance education (Class: 022-03 / 20-04 / 92, Reg. No: 50301-27 / 04-20-1) at the session held on 13 March 2020, and pursuant to the Decision of the Rector of the University of Split of 13 March 2020 (Class: 003-05 / 20-03 / 00097, Reg. No: 2181-202-01 -01-20-0001), in accordance with Article 43 of the Statute of the School of Medicine in Split, following consultation at the Special Session of the Dean's Board held on 13 March 2020, due to the declared epidemic of COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Dean made the following
1. Regular teaching activities on all study programs at the School of Medicine in Split will be suspended starting Monday, 16 March 2020 in accordance with the implementation schedules
2. Merlin (Moodle) distance learning system administered by the SRCE will be set up in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Education, which is responsible for coordinating jobs and the dynamics of setting up distance learning
3. All heads of departments and course leaders whose teaching is underway or begins in the next 4 weeks according to the implementation schedule are obliged to immediately set up classes of their courses (post all necessary contents and ensure the functionality of the online course), in full coordination with the Committee for Teaching
4. All teachers and teaching assistants, as well as all students, should promptly check the functioning of their AAI accounts. All necessary support will be provided by IT staff to teachers, assistants and students.
5. All exams and colloquia are postponed until further notice.
6. All employees are obliged to come to their workplace and continue their regular work in accordance with the recommendations of the Civil Protection Department of the Republic of Croatia and the Split-Dalmatia County, as well as the Crisis Management Committee of the University of Split and the School of Medicine, along with adhering to all recommendations regarding the prevention and protection of the spread of infectious diseases.
7. The Student Council and the Committee for Teaching are in charge of setting up official communication channels, which must ensure good communication between them and timely passing of information to students
8 Students temporarily cannot use computers and study at the Library, while other library services continue as usual.
9. For all other actions, the Dean's Decision of 12 March 2020 applies (Class: 003-05/20-03/0001 , Ref. 2181-198-01-08-20-0036)
10. Implementation of this Decision starts on Monday, 16 March 2020 and lasts until revocation

Decision about on-line teaching (pdf) Print page