Education in communication skills is a strategic orientation of USSM since the competencies in this area are essential parts of the profile of all graduates from the USSM: dental medicine doctors, medical doctors, and pharmacists.
Also, modern education process in biomedicine and health requires, from both teachers and students, to understand and apply the terms of basic language in education, which will enable better communication among all partners in the modern education process and improve the learning outcomes, assessment methods and the competencies of graduates.
Taken together, there is a great need for establishing the summer schools in communication skills at USSM, which will not only provide additional knowledge and skills for all participants including medical doctors, dental medicine doctors and pharmacists, as well as students of corresponding study programs, but also to serve USSM as a tool to develop new courses improving existing study programs and help establishing the new study programs in English language, which all require appropriate education in communication skills.
Summer School on Communication Skills in Dental Medicine (SSCSM) is a part of the University of Split School of Medicine project – Internationalization of Higher Education.
It will be conducted in two levels:
Summer School on Communication Skills in Medicine - Basic Level (SSCSDM-BL) and
Summer School on Communication Skills in Medicine - Advanced Level (SSCSDM-AL),
which make a vertically integrated program composed of two parts. These summer school courses are developed by a group of professionals with experience in pedagogical interventions and approaches in dental medicine, and it is based on idea to improve basic universities curriculums lacking this approach.
Effective doctor-patient communication is a key component in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment. Like many other professions, communications skills are essential to dental medical practice. Communication skills can be taught as of crucial importance in providing dental medical students with adequate knowledge and skills that can be used in improvement of their clinical competencies. Therefore, basic level summer school in communication skills in dental medicine is covering this aspect of every students’ professional life.
The summer school program Communication Skills in Dental Medicine refers to the training of dental medical students, but also professionals and other persons in the different clinical dental medicine specialities. Particular aspect will be given to improvement of intra- and inter-professional communication in clinical dental medicine, doctor of dental medicine-patient communication during a terapeutic intervention, reasoning and decision making process, dealing with errors and uncertainty, communication in health care teams. The summer school program is not comprehensive in terms of inclusive pedagogy, but is tailored to the target group - future and current professionals in the different fields of clinical dental medicine. The purpose of the summer school program is to innovate the current study program of dental medicine and to provide professional training for dental medical professionals.
The program is structured according to the Health Professions Core Communication Curriculum (HPCCC) for undergraduate education in Europe developed by the European Association for Communication in Health Care (EACH) that has established the subcommittee ‘‘tEACH’’ for that purpose. The ‘‘core communication curriculum subgroup’’ of tEACH has taken the challenge to develop and achieve consensus on the development of communication teaching throughout Europe. We fully supported this initiative and developed our program in accordance to HPCCC.
Starting summer school program SSCSM-BL may also involve the different health care professions besides dental medicine, such as dental assistants, dental nursing, dental hygiene, psychology, and dentistry. This would have a great positive impact on the local community - City of Split, Split-Dalmatian County, and would ensure a leading position of USSM in the field of Communication skills in Dental Medicine in the Republic of Croatia.

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda.
Sadržaj publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Sveučilišta u Splitu, Medicinskog fakulteta
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