Krnić Martinić Marina
Marina Krnić Martinić defended her doctoral thesis at the TRIBE graduate program on December 3, 2021.

Photo: Marina and her mentor professor Livia Puljak
Thesis title:
Effectiveness of educational intervention on improving knowledge about systematic reviews
Mentor: Professor Livia Puljak
Full text of the Ph.D. thesis: (TRIBE repository:
The doctoral thesis is based on the following publications:
Krnić Martinić M, Pieper D, Glatt A, Puljak L. Definition of a systematic review used in overviews of systematic reviews, meta-epidemiological studies and textbooks.
BMC Med Res Methodol. 2019 Nov 4;19(1):203. PMID: 31684874 (JIF = 4.402)
Krnić Martinić M, Meerpohl JJ, von Elm E, Herrle F, Marušić A, Puljak L. Attitudes of editors of core clinical journals about whether systematic reviews are original research: a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open. 2019 Aug 30;9(8):e029704. PMID: 31471441 (JIF = 2.692)
Krnić Martinić M, Civljak M, Marušić A, Sapunar D, Poklepovic Pericic T, Buljan I, Tokalic R, Malisa S, Neuberg M, Ivanisevic K, Aranza D, Skitarelic N, Zoranic S, Miksic S, Cavic D, Puljak L. Web-based educational intervention to improve knowledge of systematic reviews among health science professionals: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2022;24(8):e37000. (JIF: 7.08)
Krnić Martinić M, Mališa S, Aranza D, Čivljak M, Marušić A, Sapunar D, Poklepović Peričić T, Buljan I, Tokalić R, Čavić D, Puljak L. Creating an online educational intervention to improve knowledge about systematic reviews among healthcare workers: mixed-methods pilot study. BMC Medical Education. 2022;22:722. (JIF: 3.263)
Enrollment year: Transfer student 2018/2019
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