Head of Department: Prof. dr. Jasna Marinović Ljubković     021 557-946      e-mail

Physiology is one of the most important preclinical medical subject which is concerned with the function of the healthy organism. Accent is given to the mechanisms which are controlling and regulating life important processes - homeostasis. It explains to students how to apply scientific approach in solving everyday medical problems. Goal of the physiology course is to enable students, applying already acquired knowledge, to understand normal functioning of human organism for successful continuation of their Program.
For detailed course description please follow link.

For Timetable of the 2nd academic year or for Detailed Schedule please follow appropriate links.

Exam terms in academic year 2023/24 are scheduled for:
1st term - November 6th, December 11th and 14th 2023.
2nd term - January 8th 2024.
3rd term - July 16th and 17st 2024.
4th term - September 10th and 11th 2024.
For exam results please choose appropriate link.



28. 09. 2023.    Course in Physiology at Medical Studies in English Program starts on Monday, October 2 with introductory lectures.

02. 10. 2023.    Preliminary student list for seminars and exercises.

06. 11. 2023.    Results of the first part of written exam in Physiology (F1) can be seen here.

11. 12. 2023.    Results of the second part of written exam in Physiology (F2) can be seen here.

11. 12. 2023.    Results of the written exam in Physiology can be seen here.

14. 12. 2023.    Results of the oral exam in Physiology can be seen here.

28. 12. 2023.    List of students for exam scheduled for Monday, January 8.
Exam will be organized in big amphitheater (B100), at 7.45 AM.
Oral exam will start immediately after completion of the first part of written exam (approximately 10.00 AM).

08. 01. 2024.    Results of the second term exam in Physiology can be seen here.

11. 07. 2024.    Written part of the third exam term in Physiology will be organized on Tuesday, July 16, at 8 AM in seminar hall 3 (A104).
Oral exam will be organized on Wednesday, July 17, in Department of Physiology.

16. 07. 2024.    Results of the written exam in Physiology can be seen here.

16. 07. 2024.    Oral exam will be organized on Wednesday, July 17, in Department of Physiology at 9 AM.

17. 07. 2024.    Results of the oral exam in Physiology can be seen here.

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