Course description and competences

In the first study year, the course contains the elements of evidence-based medicine, medical statistics and medical informatics.
The course is structured in 10 hours of lectures, 15 hours of seminars, and 25 hours of practical work.
Students will acquire knowledge and skills in evidence-based medicine, assessment of quality in health care, research methodology relevant for medical practice, use of medical information, and use of statistical methods in medicine. This will develop students’ competencies for critical assessment of their work and decision making in medicine, research and use of sources of evidence.
Specific competencies include:
a) identifying and understanding sources of knowledge and paths of communicating new knowledge in medicine and health care,
b) understanding of different types of study design,
c) critical assessment of evidence and research data,
d) understanding and use of basic statistical terms, definitions and methods,
e) understanding evidence based medicine principles, and
g) responsible conduct of research and research integrity.  Print page