Medical Humanities V - Clinical Ethics II

The goal of this module is to learn about ethical issues that arise in regards to organ transplantation, as well as various issues related to paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, surgery, genomic medicine. You will learn to apply the knowledge that you learned so far to clinically oriented cases and dilemmas.

All our class materials, including the schedule, student groups, tasks and grades will be provided on the Merlin e-learning platform (
you can access it here: Moodle - INTRANET). To log in, you will need to use the institutional e-mail that you received when you enrolled. 

Your exam for this course will be to write an essay. The topic will be determined right before the course begins. Likewise, attendance is mandatory and is also part of your grade. You can find more information about this on Merlin - it will be added several days before the course begins.

More information about our department, our faculty members, and the overall goal of our medical humanities curriculum can be found at our 
Department's Website.

If you need additional information, you can contact:
Marija Franka Žuljević, MD Print page