About us
About us
We are enthusiasts, physicians and teachers. We firmly believe that our health care systems can be improved and that we need strong scientific fundaments on which we can base our clinical practice, stemming from well-conducted and necessary research. The first step needed to achieve this is to educate the future and current physicians and other health care professionals in the domains of scientific methodology, in searching for the answers to clinical questions, assessing the evidence and, finally, applying it to the real-life patients. This is what we will try to emphasize within the Summer school on Clinical Epidemiology. We would like to advise to all health professionals to keep up with the new, but also to always question the existing approaches in diagnostic procedures, and especially in therapy. If you want to learn about the approaches on how to do that, and to incorporate practical tips from the field of clinical epidemiology into your daily practice, join us in our beautiful city of Split in Croatia!

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda.
Sadržaj publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Sveučilišta u Splitu, Medicinskog fakulteta
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