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Humanitarni koncert "ZAJEDNO ZA NAJMLAĐE"

Pozivamo Vas na humanitarni koncert "Zajedno za najmlađe" koji će se održati u amfiteatru Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu 6. studenog u 19 i 30 sati. Na koncertu će nastupati poznati hrvatski pjevači Petar Grašo, Zorica Kondža, studenti Sveučilišta u Splitu te učenici splitskih srednjih škola. Vidimo se!

We invite you to join us at the Charity concert 'Together for the Youngest' which will be held at the amphitheatre of the University of Split School of Medicine on the 6th of November at 7:30 PM. The performers at our Charity concert include the famous Croatian singers Petar Grašo, Zorica Kondža, students of the University of Split and high school students. See you! Ispiši stranicu