Sandra Vujević

Sandra Vujević, bacc. med. lab. diag.

     Sandra Vujević je laboratorijski tehničar na Katedri za imunologiju i medicinsku genetiku, Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu od 2008. Završila je preddiplomski Sveučilišni studij Medicinsko laboratorijske dijagnostike u Splitu 2014. Odgovorna je za organizaciju rada u laboratoriju, te sudjeluje u nastavnoj i znanstvenoj aktivnosti Katedre za imunologiju i medicinsku genetiku u vidu priprema vježbi i izvođenju eksperimenata za potrebe istraživačkih projekata. 

     Sandra Vujević works as a laboratory technician in the Department of Immunology and Medical Genetics at the Medical School, University of Split since 2008. She gained the title of Baccalaureate of Medical Laboratory Diagnostics at 2014 at the University Department for Health studies, University of Split. She is responsible for organization of the lab work. She also participates in teaching activities through preparation of practicals, as well as scientific activities, performing experiments required for the numbers of project currently ongoing in the lab. Ispiši stranicu