Ivana Novak Nakir
Ivana Novak Nakir, prof. dr. sc.
Ivana Novak Nakir is a full professor at School of Medicine at the Department of Immunology and Medical genetics since 2011. She has her own research group and is the leader of Research Project financed by Croatian Science Foundation, "
Regulation of receptor-mediated mitophagy in erythroid lineage cells- MiroReg". She was a project leader of the finished Instalation Reserch Grant financed by Croatian Science Foundation: «
The role of autophagy receptors in selective removal of mitochondria». She received her PhD at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden in 2006. She was an EMBO Long Term postdoctoral fellow in prof. Ivan Đikić's lab in MedILS in Split.
Her research is focusing on autophagy, the process that degrades and removes cellular organelles and is important for cellular homeostasis. Her special interest is in mitophagy, a selective autophagy of mitochondria, where she is focusing on deciphering the molecular mechanisms that control activity of mitophagy receptors.
She is also involved in the COST action TRANSAUTOPHAGY, CA15138, where she participates in working group 1 activities (Basic research on autophagy molecular machinery) and is a member of the MC Committee. Recently, she joined another COST action "A sound proteome for a sound body: targenting proteolysis for protein remodeling, CA20113" where she acts as MC Committee member.

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