10.001 Dalmatian - Croatian biobank
The main objective is to create a comprehensive resource for the study of genetic, environmental and social determinants of health and diseases
10.001 Dalmatians - Croatian biobank

10.001 Dalmatinac - Hrvatska biobanka
Head of research group

Assoc Prof Ozren Polašek
The 10,001 Dalmatians project is currently the best ranked research project in the field of Biomedicine.
The main objective of this program is to create a comprehensive resource for the study of genetic, environmental and social determinants of health and diseases with emphasis on chronic diseases which are the leading cause of death in Croatia and other developed countries.
Visual mapping of different research locations and time periods in Croatia
The main objective of this program is to create a comprehensive resource for the study of genetic, environmental and social determinants of health and diseases with emphasis on chronic diseases which are the leading cause of death in Croatia and other developed countries.

Previous research results of this program have helped in understanding the metabolism of uric acid, blood pressure levels, lung function, eye traits, blood lipid levels, onset of menarche and menopause, sleep regulation, smoking and levels of glycans, based on the genome-wide association study. The main approach of this method is the analysis of the association of a large number of genetic markers with the observed trait. By using this method, the scientists involved in the 10,001 Dalmatians program put Croatia on the 20th place in the world for the use of genome-wide analysis (Rosenberg NA, et al. Genome - wide association studies in diverse populations. Nat Rev Genet. 2010; 11:356-66).
Active projects
Lead researcher: Ozren Polašek
Funded by Croatian Science Foundation - HrZZ
Duration: jul 2014 - jun 2018
Funded by Croatian Science Foundation - HrZZ
Duration: jul 2014 - jun 2018
Lead researcher: University of Antwerpen, Belgija
Funded by: FP7
Duration: feb 2014 - jan 2018
Funded by: FP7
Duration: feb 2014 - jan 2018
Lead researcher: Institute for Molecular Medicine FIMM, Finska
Funded by: FP7
Duration: feb 2013 - nov 2017
Funded by: FP7
Duration: feb 2013 - nov 2017
*for complete project list, please, follow the link
Assist Prof Ivana Kolčić, researcher [CV]
Mirna Kirin, PhD, postdoc [CV]
Andrea Gelemanović, doctoral student [CV]
Ana Miljković, doctoral student [CV]
Ajka Relja, doctoral student [CV]
Foto gallery
Mirna Kirin, PhD, postdoc [CV]
Andrea Gelemanović, doctoral student [CV]
Ana Miljković, doctoral student [CV]
Ajka Relja, doctoral student [CV]
Foto gallery
Future directions
Conduct further GWAS and post-GWAS analysis on existing data and expand the existing resource by re-collecting the data from the existing participants. Secure funding for sequencing and strengthen capacities for analysis.
Selected publications and doctoral theses
Interests and topics: GWAS, gene network, gene pathway, biobank, genetics, isolate, population