Clinical Skills Scenarios

During the subject 'Clinical skills 1 & 2' you will be expected to actively participate in all practical classes.
Clinical Skills Scenarios
Intended Learning Outcomes
  1. To demonstrate your practice and understanding of the consultation, with specific attention to:
    1. Opening and closing the encounter, and providing structure throughout;
    2. Information gathering;
    3. Physical examination;
    4. Building and maintaining the relationship with the patient throughout.
  2. To be able to discuss and reflect on your consultation skills with the observing tutor and the simulated patient.
  3. To identify your strengths, and areas for further practice in relation to the different components of the consultation.
  4. To build your confidence so that when you are in clinical settings toward the end of Year 3, you can begin to practice physical examination and consultation skills with real patients.
Tutors will be involved in practical classes as simulated patients and as observers who will support and guide students and provide constructive feedback.
Aim: to demonstrate principles of: a) integration of clinical/communication knowledge and skills; b) patient-centred consulting; and c) student-led learning.
The overall objective is for the student to consult with the patient. The student is not expected to demonstrate clinical knowledge, but the consultation process including communication and physical examination. Students are expected to talk with the simulated patient, listen to the patient, and seek their consent and involvement at each stage, including physical examination. Students are expected to explain clearly, at each stage, what they would like to do, and to talk through what they are doing as they are doing it. Students are not expected to explain to the tutor what they are doing at any point, apart from during discussion and feedback at the end. If the student needs to pause to check something with the tutor, they should always explain this to the patient so that the patient is fully informed throughout. Students will be expected to complete the consultation by summarising the story, asking if there is anything else, and thanking the patient for their time. 

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