Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Welcome to Physical and Rehabilitation medicine course!
Head of the department: Prof. Tonko Vlak, MD, PhD
Course organizer: Assistant professor Jure Aljinović, MD, PhD
This course is part of Your fifth year. Until now You have learned how to treat acute conditions and diseases but without any information what happens to the patient when he comes home. Re-habilitation and re-integration of the patient into the society after the life changing event such as myocardial infraction, cerebrovascular stroke or implantation of total endoprothesis, is crucial for his/her mental health. Also, decreasing the speed of functional impairment in the patients with chronic rheumatic, neurologic or cardiopulmonary diseases is also the rehabilitation goal of physical medicine.
We will use this course to teach You basic concepts of rehabilitation, measurement of quality of life or disease activity and functional indexes for joint motion. We will provide You with the direct contact with patients that are in need of our help.
The course will be presented in form of lectures (16 hours), seminars (12 hours), and practical clinical skills (17 hours). Attending all forms of teaching is mandatory!
The course is conducted in person: and depending on the epidemiological measures Clinical practice will be held at three different locations of Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with Rheumatology ( Firule – Spinčićeva 1 , Križine- Šoltanska 1 and Toplice- Marmontova 4).

All materuials are sent 20 days prior the Course to your representative of the Year.

Exam terms are scheduled for:
Exam 25.04.2024. at 14:00                                      
2nd term 23.07.2024,
3rd term 05.09.2024,
4th term 19.09.2024.
A requirement for taking the final exam is orderly attendance to all teaching activities during the course of Physical and rehabilitation medicine. The exam is composed of written test which contains 45 questions. All questions are multiple choice questions with only one correct answer out of 5. Students have 45 minutes for completing the test. Minimum of 27 correct answers (60%) are required for passing the test. The marks correspond to the test points are as follow:
27-30 (60-69%) correct answers – sufficient (2)
31-34 (70-79%) correct answers – good (3)
35-40 (80-89%) correct answers – very good (4)
41-45 (≥ 90%) correct answers - excellent (5)

Handouts of powerpoint presentations (complete test is made here)

Additional reading

Braddom's, Physical medicine and rehabilitation 5th Ed- selected chapters
Teaching staff: Ana Poljičanin, PhD, MD Jure Aljinović, PhD, MD
Daniela Šošo, MD
Blaž Barun, MD,

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